An operation can leave a patient and their families with a harrowing and traumatic experience if the operation procedure is not supplemented by an intensive support system right from the pre-operative and hospitalization stage, to the post-operative stage. A 360-degree operative-care system, especially one that takes care of the extremely sensitive and personal-attention based issues such as showering and grooming and the very functional aspect of mobilization is a necessity for complete healing and restoration of the patient to normal life.
Issues such as the above might not take precedence in the mind of patients and their families while registering at the right hospital and booking the right doctor, but a sound post-operative care comes into the picture once the patient is discharged from the hospital. In fact, a quality and modern hospital should be equipped to address this issue and provide for the best home nursing care for all-round, post-operative healing.
Dubai hospitals offer a host of superlative medical-care facilities and a thoughtfully curated range of health care support system. The advanced health care system in Dubai follows the functional aspect of providing human-interest driven pre-and- post-operative amenities. These facilities are meant to care for such patients and families who do not have the requisite time and knowledge to invest in the best kind of healing assistance required for a smooth recovery. And this is a very practical and widely prevalent concern among most patients’ families.
The best hospitals in Dubai come with an extensive range of home nursing services. So, you can avail the top-notch home medical services that would be required for your patient’s healing and recovery, while you carry on with the usual schedule of your work life.
Let’s take a look at the table of post-operative nursing services that a patient can avail.
An all-round engagement with the patient party to assist them with pre-operative help and hospital booking, to secure hospital admission and stay, and routine post-operative home care services.