Best home nurse and newborn care award 2022
childcare provider of the year award

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Best home nurse and newborn care award 2022
childcare provider of the year award

Rated ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by our parents

Why Should You Consider Professional Care After Giving Birth to a Cesarean Baby?

Maternity Care - Nightingale Dubai
Maternity Care – Nightingale Dubai

With a growing number of cesarean births a new branch of caregivers has emerged. This new branch of caregivers is none but midwives, nurses who have specialized training to take care of the mother who has undergone C section operation. These midwives are especially employed when the new mother is discharged from a medical institution and yet need support at home to get back to their normal lives and also recover from the post-operative stress.

What’s the need for special nurses after C section?

Where family members fail is routine monitoring of the health condition of the mother. A midwife in comparison maintains a chart of her health condition through the day, recording periodically the body temperature, blood pressure, checking the bleeding frequency of the new mother. Wound care, heparin injections under any kind of special circumstances or any developing health complication of the mother, the nurse would promptly report the same to the doctors at the centre from where she has been employed. She should be also an expert in monitoring the medicines to be taken by the new mother during the postnatal phase. She can monitor the health condition of the mother and can advocate SOS medicines in case the patient developing any kind of complications. For quicker action, she can even inject medicines if required.

Your maternity nurse will provide baby care to the newborn when you are hardly in a position to take care of your baby due to your health condition after a c section operation. The maternity nurse assist you with feeding bathing of the baby, maintaining the cleanliness of the household so that the mother or the newborn doesn’t catch any infection. The maternity nurse will teach the mother how to breastfeed her baby. New mothers face a lot of difficulties with the techniques of breastfeeding so the midwife will be of great support. Newborn care would involve creating proper sleep patterns for the baby and the mother so that the mother doesn’t feel deprived of sleep. Sleep is essential in the mother’s recovery and restoration to normal life. The after delivery care nurse will also monitor the medication for the baby if suffering from mild fever and other common ailments.

After delivery care for the mother also takes into account the counselling that is being provided by the nurse to mother. Maternity, especially for the first-time mother, is a new phase in life that one needs to get used to and at the same. The nurse often counsels the mother to slowly regain her composure about daily life, answers queries related to the change that has occurred in a mother’s life and also lend a patient ear to the mother to hear her experience of childbirth that she might likely to share with someone who could relate to it better.

In a fast-paced city like Dubai where the population comprises expats and others coming and settling from all over the world and smaller family sizes, it is advisable that you do fix a maternity nurse to help you cope with childbirth in the postnatal phase. More so when your spouse is also a working member. To book a maternity nurse don’t delay it to the last leg of your pregnancy, plan, interview and fix an appointment with a nurse right before you get into the delicate phase of childbirth. For getting a trustworthy nurse who is well trained and certified it is better if you visit a home nursing centre and request for a maternity specialist. In case you are going for a cesarean baby, which your family will get to know in the last minute, the centre will come to your help in that matter and provide a nurse who is well equipped to handle the scenario. With a specialist post c section nurse or midwife, you can easily and in a more calm and relaxed manner get across the most challenging part of your childbirth.




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