Dubai being a global hub of professionals and a cosmopolitan mingling pot of expats, it’s needless to mention that here families come to stay from all over the world. And often without the security and comfort of their own immediate family. In stages of motherhood, when it is imperative for a new mother and the newborn to get optimal nurturing and Cesarean post-operative care at home, one needs to choose the best maternity nurse from the top-rated postnatal care clinics in Dubai.
While motherhood is surely the experience of joy and excitement and enriches the mother and the family’s life, the new mother is also worried about post-operative care and recovery.
So, the wonderful experience of welcoming the little bundle of joy to one’s home must be simultaneously followed up with a sound medical guidance and postnatal care at home. Since the real cause of worry starts after being discharged from the hospital, it’s best to have a reliable and recommended maternity nurse a little before time. This will ensure that parents of the newborn will not fret over handling the new list of dos and don’ts or about sleepless nights, rather enjoy the bonding with the baby.
So, what are the most common duties of a maternity nurse?
Handling day-to-day chores of baby care is definitely a basic parameter that they need to take care of. This covers the activities of changing nappies, breastfeeding, dealing with sudden cries and hunger pangs. This also helps new mothers to get ample resting period to recover fully and regain composure of mind, as sometimes new mothers naturally tend to slip into stress owing to concerns regarding the new physiological and psychological changes as well changes in self-perception.
Most Cesarean or C-section deliveries postnatal care for mother and baby.
Monitoring during the first few months is vital for babies as that ensures healthy growth. Regular check-ups, supervision of diet chart, supervision of skin and hair conditions, baby massages and baby health counseling at clinics are all part of postnatal care. Healthy mothers and healthy babies–both from the physical and psychological point of view–are essential points of agreement for any postnatal care to be counted as a quality one.
At Nightingale Dubai, our competent maternity nurses are equipped to handle post-delivery care. They can guide a mother through the motherhood process via a well-packaged capsule of motherhood education. They also cover a vast range of experience to handle different kinds of families as per their cultural expectations or are adaptive towards the same. The motherhood capsule course provided by a trained maternity nurse attunes the new mother towards the varied and complex needs of a newborn while also letting her learn to respect her own body and not neglect its own demands.
Then there are the intimate details broken down to their practical aspects. Aspects like holding and handling a baby and responding to her changing moods.
Apart from providing sound motherhood education and counseling, a maternity nurse should be able to adopt a hands-down approach towards creating the right environment of nurture and safety for the baby.
Most fundamentally, maternity care nurses must maintain a daily medical log of the vital parameters of the baby and the observations noted during the day. This log should cover the basics of clinical assessment of the baby during the most critical postnatal period that is generally counted as the first six weeks post birth.
For newborns, such a clinical assessment service should aim at providing a routine health check-up and monitoring of baby weighing, imparting training for settling techniques, monitoring sleep patterns, assessment of neonatal conditions and prevention of outbreak of infections.
Mothers post Cesarean deliveries must also be included under this clinical assessment process. It should cover a thorough check-up of the vital parameters like blood pressure, monitoring of stitches, and prevention of any infection, dietary support to make up for the blood loss, post-cesarean care, and advice on family relationships.
Apart from the above-listed, Quality Postnatal Care at Home should include:
- Lactation Guide
- Baby Massaging Pattern
- Baby Feeding
- Breastfeeding Manual
- Baby Hygiene Care
- New Mothers Counseling
Lactation Guide: Guiding a lactating mother on the right nutritional value-oriented meals to follow is important as her nutrition is important for the baby’s growth.
Baby Massaging Pattern: Hand-holding parents with the important and memorable process of bathing the baby and teaching them the correct methods and strokes for massaging babies is also an important feature of this.
Baby Feeding: Guiding mothers with proper handling and cleaning of baby feeding apparatus.
Breastfeeding Manual: Tons of concerns pop up in a lactating mother’s mind. From correct breastfeeding techniques to questions of the pressure it has on women, there’s a whole training session on breastfeeding that trained maternity nurses should conduct.
Baby Hygiene Care: This is very important for both babies and mothers. Babies are susceptible to contract infections easily from their mothers due to the close proximity. Maternity nurses train mothers to maintain supreme quality of hygiene.
New Mothers Counseling: Post childbirth often leads to depression among new mothers. In the medical parlance, it is known as post-partum depression. It is generally caused when the excitement of anticipating childbirth and the feeling of being at the center of everyone’s attention gets over. Then there are issues like body weight, self-perception, perceived problems in conjugal life, getting back to normal life etc. Experienced at-home maternity nurses can provide sensitive counseling to mothers regarding this.
At Nightingale Dubai, we understand that maternity nurses are more than just provides of home postnatal care services. They are also effective trainers and guides.